123movies Inception 2010 Full Movie Download 720p

Audience Score=1979023 vote
Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Average rating=9,2 / 10


♢⁕ ♡✧⍟▼❋↡✪↓✷⊛❃★✻∞✲✭✷❉



♢⁕ ⇪⬆٭ψ﹡✷✲ω✧✵↑﹡⎈✷♥✲✭⎈



It went too big. Personally there was just something wrong with Nolan's interpretation of the whole dream thing. I got uber bored and i thought most of the stuff was too predictable. People were freaking out saying this was the best film ever and it was mind-blowing and all that jazz. i FELT THERE WERE TO MANY PLOT HOLES AND GOT SICK OF THE FILM ABOUT HALFWAY THROUGH. It was truly not even remotely as good as it was made out to be. 1. It wasn't as good as it was supposed to be. 2. I didn't end up liking any of the characters that much. 3. Nolan's fan-boys get on my nerves. 4. I have a friend who obnoxiously is obsessed with Nolan, and that makes me biased. 5. I had higher expectations based on Nolan's previous films.

I've regretted not seeing "Inception" on the big screen. I could've seen it at my local cinema (lovely little place, and cheap too! But I suppose I didn't bother to save hassle. Also, I didn't quite realise how much of a positive buzz this film was getting until after the screening stopped (they only put films up for about two days, they're bloody ridiculous. By seeing this now only reinforces that regret, because it would've been an absolutely stunning spectacle to see on a fairly large screen with fairly loud sound. It would've left me even more speechless.
The biggest complaints without a doubt "Inception" receives are about it being absolutely, completely and utterly confusing. Their is no denying that "Inception" is probably the most confusing film I have ever seen. Christopher Nolan throws you straight into the deep end with his script and visuals, as Leonardo explains in the "simplest" terms about what this dream manipulation malarkey is about. In a way you have to sort of understand it for yourself which is sure to put some people off, but please don't let it. My parents gave up on it immediately as it started, you must be willing to understand and actually want to understand otherwise you will have absolutely no hope.
I think that Christopher Nolan is an absolutely brilliant director and writer. I've seen and loved "Insomnia. Batman Begins" and "Memento" which have all required viewers participation (well mostly "Memento" they all show off his talent as a writer. "Inception" is probably not only his biggest and most complex spectacle to date, but THE biggest and most complex spectacle to date. I do not know how this came from his mind, either he's insane or a complete genius. I think that he's a complete genius as there's no way anyone could ever think up such a weave of ideas and present them in such a brilliant way of story-telling. It's impossible. Christopher is absolutely incredible. So incredible that I don't think that he even understood what he was writing! It's not only his writing but also his vision. It's absolutely gorgeous to look at with mind-blowing special effects that make you as the viewer feel disorientated. The scene in which Paris folds over is already one of the most iconic scenes in movie-making history and it's easy to see why. The special effects are just breath-taking. As is the beautiful cinematography, shown off to dazzling effect in the "Hotel level" and "Snow level. Inception" is the type of film that craves the blu-ray quality it deserves.
What sets "Inception" aside from other films is it's sheer brilliance in its writing. It is probably the cleverest film I've ever seen, with the whole back story of Cobb and Mal that could be a whole separate feature film in itself. It's fascinating and left me completely exhausted by the end of it, with an absolutely brilliant ending if I might add! It leaves it up to the viewer and adds yet another layer of mystery and confusion. The main plot concerns Leo and his team trying to plant a thought into Cillian Murphey's head, which some of it I didn't quite get but I got the gist to care about what was going on. The music is also sensational aspect. It's loud, proud and ultimately adds a fantastical dimension to the film. The music is just another character!
The directing is nothing short of perfection. It's even more involving than The Dark Knight, almost hypnotic, not letting you take your eyes of the screen. I've seen it three times now and it seems as if it's getting better with each viewing and you start to notice different things, which just boggles your mind. If this film was directed by, let's say Michael Bay, the action (which is basically the entire final hour and a half) would be shot too close, with hundreds of quick cuts so that you wouldn't be able to see what the heck's going on! Christopher directs with The Dark Knight styled intensity. He uses long-shots more than close-ups to capture the scale of what's going on, it's just extraordinary! The iconic rotating hallway fight is all done in one shot for Christ's sake! It's just incredible!
"Inception" is an absolute masterpiece. It's full of startling visuals, ingenious twists and turns with one of the most original and daring plots in decades. Did I understand it? No, did I care? No, not really, I understood enough to care and was ultimately blown away. It's quite simply one of the best films ever made, it gets into the head of the protagonist, making you really sympathise for him. I even found myself being profoundly moved in some scenes! Like, Black Swan. Inside. Shutter Island" it left me breathless, in awe and made me feel. Watch it. It's worth it.



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